About a Girl
Rose Madonna
Nad Rockin' Web Hovels
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Why Clowns Suck- Diary of a coulrophobic.
About a Girl

A few things written about me.

There once was girl named Rachael

To lose her would be very painful

She's here on o d

She's so dear to me

If I could, I'd write a whole page full



Every orchid

has a ring of

carmel and blue

sunny day in the

entire center of

its pleasure,

and when it speaks

undercurrent and after shocks

the pleasure runs up spines

from the womb to the tip of the eyes

poem for orchids


Also per request of poetry.

burning essence in the wind

forgetting those with evil grins

fighting pain on the inside

the part of us we try to hide

to show no-one in the world

but waving like a flag un-furled

your diary sparks my imagination

it's own space in my mind, a segregation

you asked for a poem just about you

I hope this fits, I hope it's true

I know not, but what I see

please let your heart free.


After a bemoaning of the lack of me themed poetry, this nice and random stranger wrote this. Lovely chap that. We've since cultivated a nice rapport.

