This page will contain rants, sightings and other things related to my fear and hatred of clowns. |
once told me that I was a coulrophobic. If by coulrophobic you mean instantly wetting myself and spastically flailing my arms
while fleeing the opposite direction of the scary painted-permahappy-faced people, then yes, I agree, perhaps youre on to
are mofos, I promise. They are evil and scary, and though I am saddled with the burden of proof as the accuser, in your
hearts, you know the clowns are evil too. Think about it, there's something about the fact that painting
a permahappy on your face breaks down one of the greatest human defense systems. We protect ourselves by reading into
the expressions on faces. You don't know what the mofo in the permahappy is gonna do, you can't see his eyes start to
twitch with murderous anxiety, or his mouth squirm in homicidal ponderance. If his smile takes on a "Here'sJohnnyredrumredrumyippekiayeaxechopchopbloodfleshmurderdeathkill"
quality, it is hidden by the grotesque and macabre red smear where a normal mouth would be.
me here. The obfuscation of facial interpretation reminds me of the horror that would come with being suddenly rendered blind
by a freak accident and running for your life, without first learning to use your other senses. They hoot and tumble and smile
haunted, twitching psychopathic pedophilic cannibalistic murderous inflammatory smiles, beneath their painted smiles. Let's
face it, clowns aren't funny. There's nothing funny about twisting tubes of rubber into the shapes of animals.
They can be popped and destroyed so easily...just like all the small animals that the clowns start out killing.
Children play into their torturous fantasies!!!! Have a puppy! SQUEEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!! Watch
the happy pink rubber puppy explode into a million rubber pieces ha ha!
have flowers on their chest, they invite you to smell, They're filled with water, or perhaps disappearing ink... NOW but that
poor cute fluffy bunny happy pigtailed little girl they met on the way here? Well HER sniffyfakeplasticflower was filled with
acid. And the clowns just laugh and laugh.....
to me! Coulrophobics and clown haters unite!!!! They plan to take over the world, to plasticize every face
into a parody of real human joy and pain. They want murder to be like riding a unicycle...happy fun for all the people with
good reflexes...the rest well...you get the flower to your face, baby, and the pie to the back of the head, topped off with
a butcher knife to the back. Better start working on that hand eye coordination...assimilate, or be killed by clowns...with
I've been improving steadily in regards to my reaction to clowns. In recent clown exposure situations, I have kept my
calm, and not screamed, out loud. I don't like clowns, or feel any less threatened and incensed, but I'm not as vocal, so
I am gaining a modicrum of control over my histrionics.
In a recent Dead Like Me episode where Mason is semi clowned, I even watched the whole scenario with only vague discomfort,
because after all, it was just a drug addicted reaper in a clown suit. No harm there. I don't think I'll ever rest easy around
clowns, but I may get where I don't become sweaty and visibly freaky someday.
Yet another reason why clowns suck:
Last week when Jason and I were on our way to my parents'
there was a clown meandering (but in a menacing way) down the side of the road, selling his evil sinful clown-y food. I'm
happily ready to start out on a road trip one minute, the next I'm screaming, covering my eyes like a 2-year old thereby losing
most of my dignity, almost wetting my knickers (which finished off the rest of my dignity) and almost causing what would have
to have been the Boro's first clown-related pileup in a minimal traffic time.That buggering bastard. Do they have ANY idea
how scary that crap is?
Clown Commercials:
Why? So I'm chilling, watching some Trek (TNG{one word about the closet nerdiness and there will be swift retribution
involving the fleas of a thousand camels, and your newly itchy pubic hair}). In comes the commercial break and it's that floggin
Orbitz commercial with clowns. I hide behind a pillow, Jason tries not to laugh, rated chap that he is, and the he gently
informs me that the nastybad clowns are gone. Then not 2 minutes later some other commercial comes on with a clown being chased
I'm not sure what it's about because I hide my face whenever I see a clown. I know I'm ranting and creating run ons left and
right here, but please, it's the evil permahappies I'm talking about. Mel and I are convinced that this new clown trend in
advertising must be stopped.